Start using HSEQDirect now in 3 simple steps!

Improve your company’s safety Performance, promote a strong Safety Culture and reduce substantially your HSEQ spendings - resulting in less incidents!

start using HSEQ Direct now

What do you get?

  • Full HSEQ library

    Short and concise 33+ HSEQ information topics for daily use in a digital format (or self-printable). Onscreen presentations, suitable for Toolbox meetings, with 5 questions and answers per topic. Interactive quizzes consisting of multiple choice questions.

    * CLICK HERE for a 3 min. BRIEF EXPLANATION of the LIBRARY section.

  • Virtual training modules

    HSEQ Direct provides 39+ VIRTUAL TRAINING MODULES, which include Permit to Work, Task Risk Analysis, Last Minute Risk Analysis, Electrical hazards, Chromium-VI, Confined spaces, Hoisting & lifting, specialized training inductions for the Energy industry in transition.

    * CLICK HERE for a 3 min. BRIEF EXPLANATION of the TRAINING section.

  • Action Focus Campaigns

    HSEQ Direct provides 33+ VIRTUAL TRAINING MODULES, which include Permit to Work, Task Risk Analysis, Last Minute Risk Analysis, Electrical hazards, Chromium-VI, Confined spaces, Hoisting & lifting, specialized training inductions for the Energy industry in transition.

    * CLICK HERE for a 3 min. BRIEF EXPLANATION of the CAMPAIGNS section.

  • Learning and registration system

    The HSElife Learning And Registration System (LARS) is our online training and certification registration system. It can be used on any device (desktop, tablet and mobile) to automatically register employee training certificates and enable company wide supervision and control.

    * CLICK HERE for a 3 min. BRIEF EXPLANATION of the REGISTRATION section.

  • Maintaining HSEQ knowledge

    Knowledge acquired during training is often quickly forgotten, if not maintained. XLR ACADEMY is a scientifically proven training support tool that maintains training knowledge where it should be - at the highest possible level.

    * CLICK HERE for a 3 min. BRIEF EXPLANATION of the MAINTAINING section.

  • Connected and alert

    OPSLIFE MESSENGER 2.0 is a TWO WAY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM which enables your company to keep your employees ALERT, MOTIVATE them to participate, ACTIVATE them to think and contribute towards achieving the company’s goals and to IMPROVE their work processes, safety and company culture ... ON-DEMAND!


and much more!
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Our contact organisations are:

Energy Institute, Salvetti Foundation, OSHA, EFNMS, IOGP,...

Start using HSEQ Direct in 3 simple steps!

Select your package

* Package price and company fee paid yearly in advance. These prices are ex. TAX
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We support the students

We work hard for those working in the industry. But let’s not forget the future employees: the students. We believe that you can never start too soon with raising awareness for safety in the workplace. HSEQ Direct, as a platform with an international character, supports any student who is following a study that includes Health, Safety, Environment and Quality, and/or who is writing a thesis, to use our documents on for 3 months... completely free!

start using HSEQ Direct for students

Already using HSEQ Direct and/or HSELife NL?

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